Earth's future in space | DW Documentary (Space documentary) DW Documentary - new cartoon network game

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Earth's future in space | DW Documentary (Space documentary) DW Documentary

Best comment

  1. Ian Carlo Moralde: 27:55 Where are the Flat Earth fanatics now?
  2. Casperian: Hahaha..... 4:02, the part where flat Earthers lose their 😱 MINDS 😱 😂😂😂!!!
  3. rpbsjy: He is the guy who is the focus of this documentary and was on screen at the start. Do you have a short term memory issue? Are you one of those people who thinks that issues are only validated by celebrity endorsements?
  4. Grant Andrew: wow put a red filter on the camera and canary islands becomes mars like... wtf. I could do that any where. mars like. more like snickers like
  5. Khắc cảnh lê: With that short sighted attitude, man would have never moved off the Savannah of Kenya, living in huts made of sticks wearing leaves. If you are waiting for that kind of world before you allow OTHER people to explore and innovate, NOTHING new would ever happen.
  6. Alex Swage: Mara has no Oxgen and no drinkable water on mars
  7. Dagobert Duck: Actually there is no reason to stay on mars... The same for the moon...
  8. William Cutting: I loved this!
  9. S1NB4D: lovely documentary guys,always good quality and beautiful narration.
  10. Mister Methuselah: Well I believe the 1% know something we don't and are keeping secrets from us, The Little People. The Earth is doomed!

Earth's future in space | DW Documentary (Space documentary)

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Education Upload TimePublished on 2 Jan 2019

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