Native American woman runs for Congress | DW Documentary DW Documentary - new cartoon network game

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Native American woman runs for Congress | DW Documentary DW Documentary

Best comment

  1. ska punk OI! alternative living: zavi13 that's true I understand that but my only problem is don't focus on the color or that she's a woman or she's gay nobody gives a damn I simply say do your job if you even if you are Native American that's fine getting that do their job the well don't need to know your Native American they just need to know that you can do your job that's all
  2. Cole Gessner: Alien Machine It appears the news does all your thinking for you, hows that Russian collusion theory going
  3. Enjoy!: lost my vote, anybody that can go democrat is messed up in the head
  4. Richard Sells AZ: The USA was NOt "stolen" from anybody.Two groups fought for the land and one side won.That's life
  5. zavi13: You clearly don't like the fact that the oppressed are finally getting their views represented by their own elected representatives, you'd prefer a bunch of old, rich white guys continue to make all the decisions.
  6. Hugo Hernandez: Impeachment is not a criminal matter it is a political matter any president can be impeached even if they did nothing criminal.
  7. Seth smthin: Pocahontas was a fake, imagine my shock
  8. And Still: She doesn't need to.
  9. retnavybrat: +kiatu kichafu I hate to burst your bubble of ignorance, but there were Native Americans in what would become the US when the first European settlers arrived.
  10. J Bell: Local Apparent Sidereal Time WILLARD , MO Longitude -93.42 degrees 16:43 LST

Native American woman runs for Congress | DW Documentary

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Education Upload TimePublished on 13 Aug 2018

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