60FpsStation Saitama vs Genos Fight | One Punch Man (60FPS) - new cartoon network game

Monday, March 11, 2019

60FpsStation Saitama vs Genos Fight | One Punch Man (60FPS)

  1. Lenivan X: I can watch this all day...
  2. сайтама ма: saitama:omae wa mo shindeiru genos:nani saitama:*punches*i was talking to the mountain
  3. M.O: Actuall facts
  4. Bone Daddy 69420: 3:30 saitama made genos orgasm just by tapping his forehead.
  5. Lizz T: I love how Saitama just happily marches away to get his noodles afterwards.
  6. Dendrophobia: Ninja groove OST reminded me of this
  7. сайтама ма: saitama is using 0% of his power
  8. saucedaddy: 3:07 A T T H I S M O M E N T H E K N E W *he fucked up*
  9. Maso Soup: I don’t watch anime but this was kinda fire not gone lie
  10. Half Rigged: They should make a game where you play as genos for the protagonist
  11. Guilherme Augusto de Souza: Essa ideia do 60fps para animes é incrível. Mas alguém me explica isso, de onde veio, quem faz, porque não é oficial. Mas poderia ser.
  12. burtosis: You forgot to include relativity in there. Any amount of kinetic energy can get imparted to anything with mass and you still don't exceed the speed of light. At those speeds it's not wind or fluid dynamics so much as it's a particle beam like at the LHC.
  13. GrandSachemEthylique: http://www.noelshack.com/2019-03-6-1547921744-unknown.png Saitama can be hurt by a simple cat. No, he's not invincible. =)
  14. Xxx follower !: Here’s what I don’t understand One punch man seems to have unlimited power through his punches If Saitama has infinite power than he cannot use a fraction of his power as infinity divided by infinity would still be infinity however since his strength is limited he could use part of his strength What im trying to say is if he had infinite power He could of beat Boros with the slightest pounce directed at him instead of the strongest punch we’ve seen from him in the series. 🤜
  15. Dario Ramonetti: Sssssalv
  16. IJustChoked: MyMisoMan ok
  17. Ronin Omega41: I hope Genos gets better treatment in season 2. Also Genos stole all my super heroes ideas.
  18. ナルドマックド: です!
  19. True Bogdan: Hi
  20. Astroboy: this is how you make cool op character
  21. *SHAZAM*: Superman would shove his dick in his mouth and out the back of his skull.
  22. Marcus Uchiha: 0:49 matrix saitama
  23. Sobat Creeper: Season 2 in coming Pls I cant wait
  24. Tahi Manuk: I hope Genos fights like this in the other episodes
  25. Azkadaz: If you want more evidence of this anime's attention to detail, set the speed to 0.25x and you can see Saitama jumping across the rocks from 1:10-1:12
  26. Lovely Leah: #Bestwaytogetablowoutlook
  27. Weeb Warrior: Can literally create a shockwave and obliterate basically a mountain. Can't kill a mosquito
  28. Gray Catbird: I am always puzzled as to why the argument is sometimes made that there exists characters stronger than Saitama. As I see it, only someone with supernatural powers like a God would have a chance. In terms of actual fighting, there is simply no way to beat this guy.
  29. Randome Comment: 0:15 UH!!! GAAAH!!! (°○°) THEY HAVE SUCH KEEN HEARING!!!
  30. FlameLeaf: This is awesome, i always wanted this with 60Fps.
  31. MyMisoMan: Saitama doesnt have infinite power, he has infinite potential.
  32. Shogun Sensei: Correction to the conclusion where Saitama punches to the side. Fact is he did stopped his punch before it reached Genos, if he punched to the side of Genos's head his fist would've been shown behind his head amd not in front.
  33. Mlizar: Goku can fuck him up.
  34. Tomázio Caldas: Tried uploading this to pornhub as blond gets fisted. Turns out they don't accept rape.
  35. Any Video Plus: He was not even serious when he punched ..
  36. Tanner Leach: Man, this shit was dumb. I will never understand anime.
  37. Justin White: 3:19 3:46 wait hold up are you telling me genos body is stronger than the Grand Canyon?
  38. ForsakenPotato: at 3:09 look at genos's reaction. it took genos a second to register that he was looking at saitama's after image. this shows us how godly fast saitama is
  39. This Guy: I dont know whats more impressive... the fact that Saitama's punch to the air did that much damage, or the fact that Genos didn't go flying from the force.
  40. PUBG VETERAN: One punch man is always calm during a fight
  41. AngrybirdT1234 GD: So satisfying :O
  42. Noah Yisrael: Why am I here...
  43. Mattia Tappara: 1:21 ?
  44. FurryEskimo: This show is a fucking Masterpiece. I imagine showing this to the artists of the past and it's unbelievable to see something of this quality and somehow casual and serious tone.
  45. Omar Khan: Lmaooooooooo
  46. David Patterson: Now Rupert could take out a man with just one punch, But he never did like to talk about it all that much ...
  47. Go Time Now: I can get NEVER bored of this anime no matter how much I rewatch it.
  48. BeZerker: Für die Deutschsprachigen : checkt mein kanal ab leute! Ich hab die ganze 1. staffel auf mein Kanal hochgeladen!
  49. Asha Rawat: That little March when he walks away XD
  50. WiredDragon7429: How did genos head not fly off. Did u see wat happened the the mountains behind them
  51. rockey rhino: 3:16 image he had sneezed and it became like that because of his sneeze , it would be so amazing 😂😂
  52. Chris Chek: DEATH!
  53. im not telling you my name: My favorite scene in the anime by far
  54. Andrew Tolmasoff: Not a fan of the digital look it has. Sure, it's smooth... but loses something
  55. Wild Wolf: I love how humble saitama is💕
  56. Jeffrrey Eligue: How come a one punch man can't anyone in jist one punch?
  57. Thomas Philip: Rito Nerf saitama pls
  58. Katsuki Bakugou: 2:18 when my friends scare the crap out of me
  59. A Mage of Void who is also a ravenclaw: Nearby neighborhoods: "Wtf are there bombings going on?!"
  60. MARIORUSEDUARD Rus: Saitama:さて私は勝ちます(okay i win) Geno: WHAT?!!?!?
  61. sioneT403 Gamer: can i use this vid for a video
  62. Jan Daruma: somehow twas tiring to watch this.
  63. Sharky 101: 1.47 Yamcha fists
  64. Squid Kid: I love when he disappears and then you see him running really fast 2:04. Makes me laugh every time. I love him!
  65. SimonIstEinAutist: 3:34 thot walk ay ay
  66. The purple diamond Stormtrooper: Lol
  67. Arexii: Depends on the suit
  68. akali's ramen: anyone came back from the subreddit?
  69. End1 Kenzero: This was perfect
  70. Vortex Gaming: 3:04 This one moment shows how OP Saitama can be. First off, he covers the distance to Genos before Genos can even react. Once Genos reacts, Saitama is so fast he has an afterimage. To top it all off, that shockwave from one punch was ridiculous.
  71. beast beast: I've been watching this so many times I've lost count
  72. Robert Morales: hes too OP
  73. TUBE DUD: there is no way jc staff beats this
  74. hank sturgill: luffy from one piece punches an island in half no one reacts xeno blinks away multiverses no one reacts saitama punches a mountain in half everyone freaks out.
  75. C: lvl 1 crook vs lvl 99 mafia boss
  76. sailcat662: The secret to Saitama's power is he unlocked his limiters. You know, the limits we all subconsciously place on what we can do and what we are capable of. He figured out how to break through his limits. That's it.
  77. David Flores: *FALCON PUNCH*
  78. Sonny the Duck: francisco andrada ah yes
  79. Dalen McAlvey: Wow. He almost reached .004% of shaggy's power.
  80. Bryan Edbert: 2:09 Epic Shot
  82. Robert Owen: Anyone else see the heart with an arrow through it at the :59 second mark? Lol
  83. May12_j13: +Oxymoron thanks for the ELI5
  84. RedBloodBanditz: 3:24
  85. MAKE IT EASY: that's why i love japan
  86. DrDestini BadLuck: Deep
  87. Too Cute To Poot: I don't think I've ever seen a 60fps youtube video before this.
  88. Halefoal: 0:55 the badass part
  89. Subash Chandra: Holy shit that interpolation is fucking terrible.
  90. Cy Klus: Wow. Caillou really has grown up.
  91. Adam Lam: Fuckkkkk
  92. Sora Ryu: Does anyone think Saitama looks low key adorable at 2:04
  93. Kaieakmqe Aayi: It's satire.
  94. Black Salami: Omg that ending 😥😖😳
  95. Flynn Swagmire: The second-to-last shot shows the scale and, assuming Genos is approximately 6 ft. tall, that plateau is much closer to 100 ft. high than it is to 30 ft. bud.
  96. Akshit Jain: I miss OPM
  97. Marshon Lattimore: This at 60fps is sex for the eyes.
  98. Joseph Thomas: +Mr Satan nah some suits are stupidly OP. But most of the time genos would win
  99. Shirley Thabor: when an admin a.k.a saitama joins the lobby
  100. Jej XD: april season 2 here we go
  101. Ultimate XLR-8: 0:35 my favorite fist move
  102. Major Ramen Vlogz: Where tf my season 2 at
  103. 0G Karma: He’s asking saitama to go all out but if he did the whole world would go bye bye
  104. RedBloodBanditz: Pause at 1:01 HE BENT AND BROKE HIS LEG 😂
  105. ElsaGaming [Mcpe and more!]: show me no mercy *stares as usual*
  106. SQUIRTLE: I love how his punch even affects the clouds
  107. MyMisoMan: ok
  108. DJgamerX 11: DIS SHIT TOO SMOOTH
  109. bisha 97: Goku is stronger than saitama.
  110. Grwgoski: I feel like this is me whenever people tell the things I've done after nights out
  111. Bargil: Shaggy at 2% power
  112. ultra instinct jishvan: Not match for me😏
  113. John Kenneth Borico: I think someone is watching them. hahahaha
  114. Steve Shaw: When your Dad turns motion smoothing to 100
  115. magikarp man: Best opm fights 1.saitama vs boros 2.saitama vs subteranians 3.saitama vs genos
  116. znhendra xxx: saitama full power punch would destroy all might and the earth
  117. beetheb: Saitama vs. the Hulk (who has similar "no strength limit" powers) ... GO!
  118. GANGGA OFFICIAL: Am like you vhannel
  119. BluXis: Did anyone else see the lil heart shaped stream smoke? 0:59
  120. hansel gretel: +Flynn Swagmire even the shot at 0:26 shows how small genos' is to the plateau.
  121. Baran Gt: Saitama sins
  122. gawbagecan: +Saki630 it's not blurring the two frames, it's just finding an intermediate point for each pixel. Lots of processing at play here, but I reckon if you freeze each frame and look at the additional frames that are generated between the originals, you'll be surprised what is happening.
  123. Toutatis Moralis: Soooo smoooths!
  124. Nash Grier: Unfortunately Season 2 won't have this type of quality since Madhouse isn't the one animating it. F
  125. Loko_melee 69: Mumen Rider vs. Ultra Instinct Shaggy, who would win and why?
  126. Eric Mason: Amazing looking! This was an awesome scene. I'm going to use this clip to win over some new fans.
  127. Batata Butt: OMG I'm so smart, I figured out why Saitama is so strong, it's a theory at least but it's a good one: In episode 6, he killed the monster and took him to eat him, I guess you already got it reading the first few words but let's go on... Monsters are way stronger than humans, and when Saitama started training he was kinda poor, and you can say that he ate some of the monsters he killed because as you can tell, he didn't rethink taking him, he did it like it was a usual thing. (When Genos asked him why he got so much of "konbu", Saitama answered nervously, it wasn't because he got it for growing hair, it's because he didn't wanna tell Genos that he (maybe they) were gonna eat a monster. Anyways, when he started training, he ate some of the monsters and got some of their "genes" or "proteins" or something like that, and he built his muscles from monsters nutrients, and that's why he got so strong because he really did do nothing but train.
  128. Mac's Gaming: Best punch ever
  129. _Chicken_ Permission_: 2:05 this is that jog you do when someone holds the door for you but you’re like 25 meters away
  130. RAP NATION: One punch man One punch man One punch maaaaaaaaaannnnn
  131. skywalker quan: not even close
  132. mahadisal ahadani: that kind of reaction....am dying to see more of that, the feeling of "you can't really match it".
  133. ashton swift: saw my life flash before my eyes
  134. harshit jha: Genos looks damn cool after getting damn hot
  135. James Stouffer: Why do people watch OPM? Once you get the parody it's all more of the same.
  136. AxeYah: Genos armor is sick.. The orange and black DAMN
  137. StrangeMD Gaming: I’m sorry *GO AHEAD AND TRY TO HIT ME IF YOU’RE ABLE*
  138. Timothy Ashton: Thank you, Crazy Dave, for explaining that to us. :)
  139. Keen Yen Chin: I just love how calm he looks
  140. Lucas Hernández: 1:28 me at 4am after partying hard since 7pm
  141. 도화여리: 작화 실화냐...... 사이타마 힘 실화냐....
  142. Zena Youkhana: 3:13 "Omae wa mou shinderu"
  143. Wilfri Castillo: I don't think season 2 will have this kind of high level animation
  144. BlueBreath 139: Ive been thinking this genos and gusion from mobile legends is the same without gusion's dagger
  145. OUT: in bed.
  146. MayerGodx: 0:48 ok, just stop
  147. One man army: More like 23 fps. Not 60.
  148. Andrew Vachon: Right?!
  149. l Nero l: Epic. Also, Genos is hot af.
  150. MrAriekor: Shaggy can beat Saitama with only 3% of his power
  151. NewTypexvii: What is the power source for this guys body?
  152. Nicolas Cuevas: Frame Interpolation gives cancer dude, who cares if screen scrolling is not buttery smooth, the content gets messed up with magical inconsistent invented frames.
  153. KinG _Dep: Season 2 October 2019
  154. devrindare: What I like in this fight and always come back to watch it, is the Background music when when Saitama go serious and moves his punch towards Genos. Epic
  155. Amiris sheep: Heard that season 2 is not going to be produced my the same studio, kinda sad. :(
  156. King Ant: Saitama would beat tf up out of goku
  157. David Edos: Oh madhouse I sure hope JC staff can keep up.
  158. QUIRKY GAMING W0RLD: EPIC!!!!!!!!
  159. InkoChan: 3:49 and the Grand Canyon was made
  160. G Ground: FUCK!
  161. La vie: 0:35 daft punk much?
  162. the great xenu: I was so worried saitama would accidentally kill him or something,
  163. T Nolen: That gotta be one heat resistant shirt genos got on.
  164. IJustChoked: Genos’s face looks so squishy
  165. revolver cat: Just finished s1 on netflix in english. Very awesome and im an anime hater
  166. DJ_Renaultoax Gaming & Music: Basically, if saitama has its very full power, it maybe can obliterate an entire planet the size of earth. But we all know he has unlimited power.
  167. Dark Gamer193: Man!!!, Saitama is a damn good friend, he kick the shit out of Genos , without making a harm to him, that's broship😆😆😆...
  168. Jonathan Moore: 3:12 And that's when he knew . . . he fucked up
  169. Ducky Agario/Fortnite: 3:23 Just look at that change in expression Saitama is showing, proves that he has perfected the ability to change his strength in different situations.
  170. MrShroomed: I'm not sure anyone understands but at 3:08 he's probably being more ruthless than when he fought Boros. He's not angry, he's not aiming to kill, just to make a statement. He's defying gravity by sheer power, his cape lifts up and his eyes glow from the energy.
  171. doitchious: 3:18 He's actually the strongest airbender
  172. Unggul Kirindi: 3:23 ~ 3:24
  173. Roy Linker: his punch split the clouds
  174. nomorecramps: Some people say opm is a parody anime, and that the strongest fighter is goku. I'm a dragon ball fan but this is really funn. All I'm saying is goku and vegeta will love to spar saitama :P. Can already visualise the saiyan duo going nuts and increasing their power multiple folds who knows both of them might exceed UI. anyways this is so cool
  175. Masked Man: in order to do that to a mountain u actually have to break the speed of light.....
  176. Mr Satan: +Arexii anysuit suit he'd get destroyed
  177. Giescul: 3:13 Damn, that art style is sick
  178. The purple diamond Stormtrooper: I’d pay $1,000 to see Genos vs android 17
  179. mallarapu madhushekhar: Saitama vs superman. who will win?
  180. Mirko88Fax: The potential of Genos is very high...This makes it clear how strong Saitama can be to reduce it to a midge compared to him ...
  181. Gbomb31: This is what it feels like when people challenge me to play foosball.
  182. Big Benn: Hey I replied to another comment but i thought i should make this my own comment as well, I was able to work out that the speed the wind would have to travel(not his fist) would have to be over 800 thousand times the speed of light to tear a hole through the canyon wall. I was able to work out that the mountain behind them is roughly 29.9 feet or about 9.9m tall. Behind him (the walls of the canyon) looks like solid rock, but due to layers of soil which isnt quite steady i'll say the rock is about 25 feet or 7.62 meters high to be generous. Judging by the color and the location (since we know they are near a beach from the deepsea episode), plus the fact that its a ravine most likely caused by water erosion I think its safe to say its sedimentary rock, most likely limestone or sandstone. Limestone has a density of 2160 through 2560 kg/m^3 and so I'll take the median of the 2 and say 2360 kg/m^3. Now that I figured out the density of sandstone and I know the height of the wall, I have to find out the depth, at 3:22 you can see an overhead shot of saitama and genos and where the wall is in relation to them, their bodies together are (on my screen at least) 1/8 of an inch or 0.3175 cm, and the wall was 6.25 inches away or 15.875 cm away, the average shoulder width of a person that is 5'10 (im using this because saitama is said to be 5'9) is 18.25 inches, now with that in mind i can use that to the 1/8 inch that Saitama appears to be on my screen and find that the wall of the canyon is 23 meters or 912.5 inches away. and this is where i spare some calculations because Im getting tired of typing, basically genos is 5'10 and my screen he is .5 inches at 3:50 making him 1/140 his actual size, using the angular size calculator i determine how far away he is from the camera, then use that distance to determine the distance from one side of the canyon wall to the other end of the canyon wall is about 95.0976m or 3744 inches, then I find the width of the hole to be 1540 inches or 39.116 meters wide. Using this I can find the volume of the hole to be 36826.3934438m^3 and using the density I gave earlier I can give it a weight of 86910288.5274 Kilograms, thanks to reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/34pvcu/request_how_much_force_would_be_required_to/) I was able to figure out that 6.727204e+14 joules is required to shatter this amount of limestone.Calculating the force of wind requires the mass of air and acceleration of wind. Now the average density of a mass of air at sea level equals approximately 1.229 kilograms per cubic meter, The area the wind hits is measured, in this case, in square meters The mass of air hitting a surface then equals air density times area, using the height times the width of the hole I can say that it would be an area of 387.2484m^2. Now i'll save a bunch more basic calculations of converting wind speed into force in newtons (one newton=One Joule) and it would require his fist to deliver a wind speed of about 5.45 times 10^14 or 545000000000000 mph/ or 877092479999929.9 Kilometers per hour. Thats the equivalent of 812705.040262 TIMES FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Basically its impossible in our worlds physics, The sonic boom from his fist would essentially make the entire world deaf and possibly kill everyone, he would be traveling so fast that the friction would cause atomic reactions, that would easily destroy the solar system at minimum, everything would instantly turn to plasma with the amount of heat that would go off, and thats the wind speed alone, I didnt even calculate the speed his fist would have to travel to generate a speed of wind at that wide of an area.
  183. Ooohh Yeah Yeah: He's on a different level oh yeah yeah
  184. Sirballin System: 3:24 wasn’t that supposed to kill him when he slapped his head or does he only one hit with punches
  185. squidy random: To to to to to to to ah
  187. Alex Prt: For later😁
  188. Harman Kang: max weller just grabbing udon noodles
  189. Gamma Ray Beam: For the ones who don't get the "60 fps" thing, it's called 'Motion interpolation' or motion-compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) is a form of video processing in which intermediate animation frames are generated between existing ones by means of interpolation, in an attempt to make animation more fluid and to compensate for display motion blur. The anime itself doesn't need to be made in 60 fps to do this. Actually you can do it by yourself with every animation or movie with a software called SmoothVideo Project (SVP).
  190. BlackSynkro: Genos is very strong when you think about it, but...sadly...he gets wrecked a lot. Still, he has balls to fight Sataima and, just saying, he could have dodged Saitama's attack. lol
  191. Schnookism: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research... Which one of those is this?
  192. Jesse Kleve: This fight scene from the show "One Punch Man" runs at 60FPS and is as epic as it is beautiful. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/al4v3g/this_fight_scene_from_the_show_one_punch_man_runs/
  193. Max Person: So... did anyone notice the heart genos made around saitama at 0:58?
  194. Arexii: Superman his feats are way better then saitama
  195. eerereps: If that punch landed, it'd have factory-reseted his brain...
  196. max weller: 3:34 OMG THAT WALK THO 😂😂😂
  197. Mr Satan: Genos would kick iron man's ass 24/7
  198. Crong Gaming: Hi can you teach me how to upload anime without copy right ... please
  199. La vie: "Sensei." "Heh?"
  200. TheINfinityWarden 775: Does genos not understand that in order to become stronger he needs better parts he doesn't need a master
  201. kennethh_c: When you get put in your place.
  202. francisco andrada: I see Shaggy has bestowed Saitama with 0.420% of his power
  203. Lukes Modz: 1:00 don't try this in Real Life U will break your knee

Saitama vs Genos Fight | One Punch Man (60FPS)

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Film & Animation Upload TimePublished on 19 Oct 2016

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